Why should you clean your swimming pool?

Why should you clean your swimming pool?

Pool cleaning may be considered routine practice in many homes but what remains surprising is that if you ask many homeowners the main reasons as to why they regularly clean their pools, you will hardly get any answers beyond the mere intention of keeping the place hygienic. But there are a few other reasons we need to keep our pool clean.


The obvious reasons we do it


As already discussed, one of the main reasons why we clean our pools is for the obvious reasons; to keep the place neat and attractive to the eye. A dirty swimming pool is not only an eyesore to your visitors but may also portray you in a very bad light regarding hygiene. A dirty pool will immediately leave an impression of a disorganized home where hygienic standards do not rank so high in the priority lists.



For health and sanitation reasons


Swimming pools carry lots of health hazards, especially after a period of high activity. Late in the evening after having entertained plenty of swimming guests, the pool will no doubt be laced with all manner of body excrements ranging from sweat, mucus urine and in some cases, pet pee or poo and bird droppings. If not attended with the urgency it deserves, these could pose immediate health concerns to the occupant of the home.

Of course, we have pool cleaning agents that go a long way in maintaining the hygienic conditions of our pools but these agents work at optimum conditions, and when there are too many foreign substances in the pool, their effectiveness is greatly hampered.


Maintaining oxygen balance


We all have faced the problem of green pools at one point or another this is generally as a result of the proliferation of algae in the walls of the swimming pool. To many, the only problem caused by algae is their rather unpleasant appearance, and while that is reason enough to clean them off your pool, there is even a graver problem associated with green pools.

As algae die, they absorb lots of oxygen from our swimming pools because they are naturally parasitic plants.

The resultant imbalance of oxygen in your swimming pools will affect the way various cleaning agents and chemicals such as chlorine function.


Regulating chemical balance


The composition of chemicals in our swimming pools is key to our comfort and safety while using the pools. Swimming pools are required to be kept at slightly alkaline levels, with a range of 7.4 -7.6. This range needs to be kept, especially if you are using a salt-based pool that produces chlorine and the only way to do this is to clean your pool and check the pH level thoroughly.

Swim with comfort and avoid undue irritation to your eyes or skin by investing in routine pool chemical balancing exercises.



Removal of total dissolved solids


Pool water contains lots of dissolved minerals, and as water evaporates, like in the case with pools that are exposed to sunlight, these minerals are left behind and concentrate into solids. As they continue accumulating in your pool, they not only affect water clarity but also interfere with the chemicals used for pool cleaning, which is why these minerals have to be removed at all cost.

Such solids can either be removed by chemical action or by completely draining your pool water so you have cleaner water with lower solid concentration.




Evidently, there are so many reasons why we should consider cleaning our pools; from hygienic reasons to maintaining water clarity and chemical balance.



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